Mission and Objectives

The objective of the Institute of Missiology of missio e.V. (MWI) is to promote science, research and teaching in the context of the catholic missionary work. It aims at promoting the financial autonomy of the local churches and at paving the way for their fututre by providing young, talented people with an academic education that prepares them to assume leading positions in the church and by supporting their academic work. As a part of a global community, the MWI furthers the exchange of ideas and knowledge with Christians and theological institutions in Germany. 

The starting point of our activities can be traced back to the decrees of the Second Vatican Council (1962 to 1965). At this Council, it was inter alia resolved with regard to missionary activities that it counts among the fundamental responsibilities of the church to address and find solutions to social problems, particularly in developing countries. Every human being is to benefit from the assistance provided by the church, regardless of his or her origin and religion. Christian faith should become integrated in the variety of local traditions and structures, and the ecclesial traditions of the local churches shall be promoted.

In developing countries, priestly formation is not only supposed to comprise the imparting of knowledge on pastoral methods and Christian theology, but the candidates are also required to gain a deeper understanding of their own culture, the social structure and the political system of their home country. This is not only aimed at facilitating the proclamation of faith but also at improving the living conditions of the people.

Until the present day with the current training conditions for priests, religious and lay people, the Institute of Missiology is committed to this mission.

Objectives of the Institute of Missiology

from this missio, the following objectives of the Institute of Missiology can be derived: 

  • interreligious dialogue,
  • intercultural exchange between different theological, philosophical and religious traditions as well as
  • promotion of the inculturation of the Gospel and of contextual theological approaches in Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Through interreligious and intercultural dialogue, different religions and cultures are getting more familiar with each other and enrich each other mutually. Thus, dialogue contributes to a peaceful coexistence of different people and groups.

By way of inculturation, the Church and the Gospel are made more accessible to the people and thus become more integrated in the different cultures. The Church and theology revert to these different cultural traditions into account in order to spread the Gospel in these cultures and through them. This mutual cultural enrichment forms the basis of a global learning community within the World Church.

Contextual Theologies take the concrete living conditions of people into account and interpret them in the light of the Gospel. They show us ways into the future according to the mind of Christ. By this way, they help to find solutions to social problems fecaed by countries of the South.

These MWI is committed to achieve all the aforementioned objectives in its funded projects and in its activities.