10. June 2013
June 2013: Conference of project allocations

On the 10th of June took place the most important conference of project allocations of the MWI, because it is only then when decisions concerning new and prolonging applications are made. Only exceptionally decisions concerning scholarships are taken at the other three conferences throughout the year. 

This year we had a remarkable high number with 97 applications. The number of those which reached us from Africa was with 57 nearly the same compared to the year before. 34 applications reached us from Asia. 

38 of the 60 scholarship applications could be accorded, 25 for Africans, 13 for Asiatic students. 27 of them were new candidates, the other were prolongations of the scholarship. 20 of the new ones came from Africa. 

Seven of the new scholarship holders will be studying in Africa, one in Asia, the others in Europe. It is very pleasant that six of the new scholarship holders will study in Germany, nine in Rome, one in Belgium and three in France.